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Shrisha Kriya yoga

Shrisha Kriya yoga

Shrisha Kriya yoga is a guided meditation for health and wellbeing. Through the practice you learn to use your breath, thought and awareness in a way that your ability to use your mind and body is greatly enhanced. It is very simple but extremely powerful process that is great for beginners to learn and do practice everyday. You can do it anywhere: at home, in the office, the park. Try out the process, pay attention to what it does within you and realize the benefits in no time.

Program Details

Whats Included?

3 Stages of  Meditation  to experience powerful spiritual process.


  • Change and enhance the way one thinks, feels, and experiences life. 

  • Stabilize the body, mind and emotions .

  • Impart a lasting sense of joy, peace and fulfilment

Upcoming Program Details




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